Welcome to the online home of the FSD Collective.
We are a group of parents, educators, and community members in Fullerton, California,
interested in helping our schools improve students’ ability
to engage in respectful and effective conversations about complex racial issues.
Explore the website to learn about our efforts and to find out how you can help!


Recent Blog Posts


Ethnic Studies in FJUHSD

by Katie Peckham



Among discussions already happening regarding bringing an Ethnic Studies curriculum to Fullerton schools, there have been criticisms made of the curriculum, saying that …


Recently the district invited FSD parents to preview and give feedback on the new History/Social Science textbooks currently being piloted in the middle schools…


Responding to Atlanta

by Katie Peckham & Alison Dover



You are probably at least somewhat aware that between 1942 and 1945, the US imprisoned over 110,000 of its own citizens, solely on the basis of their Japanese ancestry. But did you know that in 1871…


Family Style Social Justice Book Clubs

by Mia Sevier



Want to build a community to explore social justice issues with your kids? I am part of two wonderful groups of kids and families that explore issues together. This has been so impactful…


All website artwork created by FSD students as part of a student-led art demonstration in June 2020.


   Upcoming Local Events

Actions you can take now to get involved and recent events related to racial equity in Fullerton School District.



General Resources

Books, links, and videos to help increase the racial literacy of you and your child.





teacher Resources

Print and online resources to help you promote academic, racial, and social equity within and beyond the classroom.




Student Resources

Children’s books to help expand your child’s cultural awareness and understanding.



In The News

See what our district and other school districts are doing to address inequity and injustice, and to teach their students about justice and inclusion.


About Us

Learn about our purpose and get involved.